
Showing posts from February, 2023

Secondhand Video Center - 9x9 🌒

Cryptic Mini #000000011:   "Secondhand Video Center" obscuration level: 🌒 (don't believe what you see) Big and tough! Like me (jk I'm neither). Enjoy, sickos :)

Odd Candy - 5x5 🌓

Cryptic Mini #000000010:   "Odd Candy" obscuration level: 🌓 (here be some uncommon terms) My first rollover milestone! We have finally hit the double digits with puzzle #10. Next rollover will be #100 in... January 2024! And the next, #1000, in... August 2032! Hopefully the internet will still exist by then. If not, I guess I'll have to start a newsletter.

Soviet Doll - 9x9 🌔

Cryptic Mini #000000008:   "Peachy Mushroom" obscuration level: 🌔 (maybe more like 🌓) I can't tell if this one is 🌔 or 🌓, but either way, hope you like it!

Peachy Mushroom - 5x5 🌔

Cryptic Mini #000000008:   "Peachy Mushroom" obscuration level: 🌔 (easy, but not breezy) I've decided to put my easier/smaller puzzles on Wednesdays, and the harder/bigger ones on Saturdays. I may or may not completely forget I made this decision, but for now... here's a small n' easy Wednesday! enjoy!

Retro Bar - 7x7 🌓

Cryptic Mini #000000007:   "Retro Bar" obscuration level: 🌓 (goin' halfsies) I'm losing track of my own obscuration system. How hard is a 🌒? How easy is a 🌔? I think this one is somewhere in between! Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Old Bald Weirdo - 7x7 🌕

Cryptic Mini #000000006:   "Old Bald Weirdo" obscuration level: 🌕 (made 4 newcomerz) Out first full moon! 🌕 means there's barely anything obscured. Nouns are nouns, verbs are verbs, synonyms are minimal... what you read on the surface is all you need to know! Hope it serves you well :)

Pie Videos - 9x9 🌔

Cryptic Mini #000000005   obscuration level: 🌓 (chins may get scratched) Bigger, badder... and actually not so bad. Still trying to keep things light, for the newbies. Let me know how difficult it was for you!

Naughty & Nice - 5x5 🌒

Cryptic Mini #000000004   obscuration level: 🌒 (watch out) Okay, now we're up to 🌒! Surface meanings will lead you astray, so best to ignore them. Puns may lurk around any corner. Prepare to groan. And if you ever get stuck, remember the hints! Enjoy :)