
Showing posts from January, 2024

Wow, A Puzzle! - 5x5

Cryptic Mini #000000076:   "Wow, A Puzzle!" obscuration level: 🌕 (a lil slice of heaven) Wait what's this?? A cryptic mini on *Thursday*?? Yes that's right folks! We here at the Cryptic Mini Factory have finally perfected the technology to release puzzles on Thursdays. So we will! Every week. And to kick things off, here's a breezy lil guy. Enjoy!

"Top Monsters Museum" 15x15 🌓 — my first full-size cryptic!

"Top Monsters Museum" obscuration level: 🌓 (tricksy, but not too triscky) It's this blog's birthday! One year ago, I began vomiting out cryptic minis into the void, and my affliction has yet to stop. To celebrate, I'm offering you one from the vaults crypts: my first full-sized grid!

Ewok Clothing - 5x9 🌔

Cryptic Mini #000000075:   "Ewok Clothing" obscuration level: 🌔 (oh, you'll be fine) wow, a 5x9? in this economy?? you better believe it, buster! we do it all here at Cryptic Sickos Anonymous the Very Normal Cryptic Factory. enjoy!

Pinkish Goo - 5x7 🌔

Cryptic Mini #000000074:   "Pinkish Goo" obscuration level: 🌔 (a french nail) Happy 2024! (I hope). No one ever thought we'd make it this far, but somehow, we f*ckin did it. To celebrate, my puzzles now play a special sound & image when you solve them (correctly). Enjoy, you cryptic sickos, you!