Shouting "Clues!" - 5x9
Cryptic Mini #000000114:
"Shouting 'Clues!'"
difficulty level: ask me later

In other news, the lovely youtuber Martin Gallagher has been solving some of my puzzles on his channel, which is dedicated to helping people learn cryptics. So far he's solved 1 2 3 4 in just as many weeks, and there might be more in the future!
He also runs a weekly contest where you can submit a clue for a given answer, then he livestreams the submissions and has the audience pick their favorite. Then all the favorites will get collected into an actual grid, forming a community-built puzzle. Fun times!
And in other other news: I wrote the clue for yesterday's Minute Cryptic! (CW: it plays by Commonwealth rules). There might be more of those in the future too 😈
And in *other* other other news... enjoy this puzz!
Constructed by Bob Weisz using the free cross word creator from Amuse Labs
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